Tillndsia (Air Plant, Ball Moss, etc.) Culture
Tillandsias are among the easiest plants to grow that we sell. They require bright light and warm temperatures, so Central Texas is perfect. We water our plants daily in the heat of the summer, to every 3 or 4 days in the cooler winter months. Feed them every 2 weeks or so for best results, but they can grow with no food for years, just nowhere near as well. We use rainwater exclusively and recommend it for all plants. We water in the morning so the plants can dry out. They can be soaked, misted, sprayed, as long as they are dripping wet when finished. Many people under water their plants because they think they get water from nature. In their native habitat, they do, but they don't in our drier climate. Indoors, grow them in the brightest window you can so they can get their great color when they bloom. Remember that they are easy plants that like Texas heat